The need of today is to bring the women in to the mainstream for the development of the society. Sahu RamSwaroop Mahila Mahavidhyalaya, Bareilly recognized the importance of women education from the beginning. The Gender Sensitization policy of the college aims in developing a sustainable and inclusive environment by empowering the girls so that they can contribute to the development of the community. In this connection, a Gender Sensitization cell has been formed in 2021, with the aim of facilitating gender inclusive- awareness in students, to encourage dialogue focused on issues of gender equality and to bring about change in the perception of the students. The cell focuses on creation of awareness about gender issues and working towards and creating an enabling environment of gender justice.
The objectives of the Gender sensitization cell will be to undertake measures :
The Gender sensitization cell propses to involve all stakeholders of the college in various activities.
Organization in gender mainstreaming activities.
Activities for creating consciousness and motivation towards gender equality in different sections of the society by organizing seminars, workshops and special lectures.
Counselling, guidance and life skill education to girls.
Activities for creating awareness in regard to equality in law, social system and democratic activities.
All activities will provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural constructions of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society. Activities proposed are - lectures, seminars, talks, workshops, debates, films and documentaries screening.